Code of Conduct

10 April 2024

Hopefully a situation where I have to enforce one of these rules will never come up, but here are the rules for my games. If you feel that I or another player has violated any of these rules, please let me know privately.

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Creating 'Change My Own Mind'

13 January 2023

An Affordable Shortcut to Personal Growth: to reinforce commitment and strengthen determination Visit the 'Change My Own Mind' Tool on openAI

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Fresh Listens

29 May 2020

Manage multiple user's listen history, track current catalog, and allow quickly adding selected files to an SD card Context: A single manager, on a single device managing many user's listening Problem: Cannot keep track of what they've listened to before want to control the play order of the tracks Solution: make a library UI manager selects user, then drive, then audio files. The audio files can be dragged around in the 'playlist' to match the desired play order. Database will keep which tracks were sent to a drive, and will highlight them later. What is It? The starting idea of...

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Coffee Roaster Script

05 May 2019

Silaa Farms is a socially responsible company located in North Thailand that partners with smallholder farmers to produce premium quality organic Arabica coffee.

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