Fresh Listens

29 May 2020

Manage multiple user's listen history,
track current catalog,
and allow quickly adding selected files to an SD card

  • Context: A single manager, on a single device managing many user's listening
  • Problem: Cannot keep track of what they've listened to before want to control the play order of the tracks
  • Solution: make a library UI manager selects user, then drive, then audio files.
  • The audio files can be dragged around in the 'playlist' to match the desired play order.
  • Database will keep which tracks were sent to a drive, and will highlight them later.

What is It?

The starting idea of this project was to help traveling workers in remote villages. They provide battery powered speakers which are fantastic for the elderly, blind, or the illiterate.
This app will help them to make sure that a 'user' gets new audio tracks every time they visit by tracking IDs of the 'given' files as they work. The export feature will let them easily and intuitively control the play order of the tracks.