Creating 'Change My Own Mind'

13 January 2023

Man modifying his brain using maker DiY tools An Affordable Shortcut to Personal Growth: to reinforce commitment and strengthen determination Visit the 'Change My Own Mind' Tool on openAI

In the world of personal development, speed and affordability matter. People seek self-improvement precisely because they have limited resources. 'Change My Own Mind' was born out of my passion for self-improvement and a need for a time and cost-effective solution.


Built in just two hours on my brother's GPT account, 'Change My Own Mind' combines AI-generated text with the concept of self-hypnosis.

Why 'Change My Own Mind'?

I've always found online scripts too generic. This tool lets me quickly convert topics into personalized scripts. It's for those who want affordable, tailored self-improvement tools.


I wanted to make self-improvement more accessible. To help people starting out skip the steps of having to learn the details of how hypnosis works in order to write or edit a script that applies to them. It's a simple project that leverages existing tools.

Overcoming Skepticism

Hypnosis is a powerful tool that many people are intimidated by. I don't doubt that many people reading this post will remain skeptical.


All I can ask those people is to try writing their own script with this tool and see what happens.

Visit the 'Change My Own Mind' Tool on openAI